Why did Vincent Price call London his spiritual home?

Vincent Price was a confessed Anglophile. In this three-part series exclusively written for Spooky Isles to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Vincent’s passing, PETER FULLER delves into the Master of the Macabre’s UK-made classics and why London was his spiritual home.

Just click on the pics to start reading…

PART 1: THE EARLY YEARS (1928-1935)

PART 2: IN THE COUNTRY (1963-1973)

PART 3: THE LAST HURRAH (1974-1984)

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Vincent Price’s 15 British Films on Spooky Isles: The Podcast

Did you know Vincent Price made 15 features between 1963 and 1983 in the UK?

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the iconic actor’s passing (on 25 October 1993), your curator explores each one of those films and why London was Vincent’s spiritual home in this Spooky Isles podcast.

👉 Listen here: https://bit.ly/48V2mrx👈

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